Friday, January 14, 2011

Consultation conclusion affirmation of that they make is the important reference that the court judges

Finally, the representative director of method big consultation in law court said, consultation conclusion affirmation of that they make is the important reference that the court judges, when it is necessary Hou, examining the member can also appear at court to testify.But court end of verdict result, also need according to all evidence to comprehensive come to sentence.
(Responsibility editor:Zhao Ting)
New China net Guangzhou gave or got an electric shock(reporter Huang Mei in Yue Jui-fang) "the sixth Chinese headquarters economic high forum" to release "35 main headquarters economy in the city in the whole country development ability evaluation report(2010)" in Guangzhou on the 29th on December 29, the row settled the development ability of national and main headquarters economy in the city time, Peking, Shanghai, Guangzhou and row in Shenzhen ex-4.

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