Thursday, October 14, 2010

First of all, 139 of the user is most likely 139 Shenzhouxing and M-Zone users.

First of all, 139 of the user is most likely 139 Shenzhouxing and M-Zone users. earliest possible use of the mobile phone enthusiasts. The first seeds of the most important users, these users believe that fly the user, the first letter of the user can fly over all the import is a great victory. .Second, 139 seed the user is obsessed with a group of business people and university Moncler people.So 139 propaganda, it should look like the professional mobile enthusiast sites and forums, and digital magazines and other media. first group of seed development over the user, and then gradually expand to the public user to. they are interested in the topic may be digital, photography, music and video. So the killer application 139 site should also address the crowd, and their interests to find. .then, 139 development and growth After the profit model can be implemented platform strategy, a business channel and the management platform. Facebook to open up the plug-ins, many partners together to attract bigger. but to put an end to advertising Hu SP SP business, otherwise it will develop into the largest 139 cheat site.

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