Thursday, October 14, 2010

So I decided to change my way of life is less clear in their own time to listen to music and get the music Back to my life and living

So I decided to change my way of life is less clear in their own time to listen to music and get the music Back to my life and living. I bought a small player, can use SD storage of small amounts of music, and time settings, I get up every day set the alarm before going to bed, but also set up the first 15 minutes of time on this machine set a play, so every morning for 15 minutes I was Herve Leger listening to the music and after the alarm sounded clear slowly.I set the volume too small, but every morning listening to the music, all the work before going to bed after the night before to do some of the options, these days I pick a lot of different music, classical, and folk, some electronic music. Moreover, to allow different The music brings me also to see what kind of thinking that they have changed, the only thing I did not choose music is my own song writing, because I wanted to be a listener and pure. .strange to say, has been very keen on classical music, I, after several days of testing it, I found his use of classical music is the most gentle wake. it'll make me more than to be in bed a while, I have never cultivated the habit of known small speaker Lindao kitchen with me, even on 15 minutes.

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