Saturday, February 12, 2011

Even world

State Department often works a meeting review to combine a principle to pass 《last house imposition in the stateowned land and repair regulation(drafted plan) 》 on January 19, 2011.
Text|report a sorting according to The Xinhua news agency|reporter such as soldier
(Responsibility editor:Yellow sea)
This report Peking on January 19 gives or gets an electric shock(reporter Yuan 晞 ) this year is a country Fan birthday to once is 200 anniversaries, Chinese bookstore released a set of 12 volume simplified Chinese version 《once the text was positive Mr. complete works 》s.
According to the introduction, the whole bookses registered country Fan once from cradle to the grave main knowledge essence, reflected his moral culture from the different on the side, together house, govern the intelligence of country, even world.Spread loyalty version 《once text just male complete works 》 in bookstore drive generally accepted in order to is once a country Fan to edit the edition of tallest quality in the collection of essays, but the source version was a traditional form, read inconvenience.The publication square lasts for a year and gathers professional ancient works of more than 30s to weave the personage of the school, as to it is carried on to simplify completely, and carried on to amend errors in text to parts of historical fact mistakes.

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