Saturday, February 12, 2011

Pocket a coal fund

《 People is newspaper ( January 20, 201116 versions)》 (source:People is net-《people is newspaper 》 )
(Responsibility editor:Hou extraordinary talent)
【The background chain answers 】
The corrupt problem concentration of coke realm in Shanxi is at the examination and approval, circulate etc. several key links.Is outstanding to express to 10:
One is violate the rules to examine and approve a resources and illegally pour to commit treason to have a property;
Two is fail to pay, owe to pay, transfer, pocket a coal fund;
Three is the payment that isn,t by rule to take a resources;
Four is steal to escape to owe a tax;
Five is a coal to market note title numerous, and falsification, pour to sell note;
Six is a stateowned property to seriously run off;
Seven is the agent organization deceitful valuation, business to bribe;

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