Saturday, February 12, 2011

For the sake of the demand of public benefits

March, 2007 《real right method 》 stipulated "dismantle to move repair":For the sake of the demand of public benefits, can collect all collective lands and unit, personal house and other real estates by law, should give to dismantle to move a repair, maintenance be collected the person is legal rights, collect personal residence of should also guarantee be collected the condition of living of person.
North five big methods learn scholar, Chen Kui, , Wang Xi Xin and clear Anne, star money and Chen Duan Hong toward the Standing Committee of the National People is Congress on December 7, 2009 suggestion, think outlaws, such as 《dismantle to move regulation 》 and 《constitution 》 and 《real right method 》 ...etc. or conflict, suggest to carry on a reviewing to 《regulation 》 .
Legal system in State Department does to organize symposium on December 16, 2009 and invited include the north is big of these five scholars(among them Chen Duan Hong is on business arranges first to occupy but doesn,t attend) at inside of the expert study and discuss 《house imposition of stateowned land with dismantle to move to compensate regulation(drafted plan) 》 .

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